special dog food

we are always on the hunt for new and better food to give amber and her siblings. after trying raw feeding (which also didn’t really work for amber), our vet introduced monge special dog to us. our dogs, including amber, are not very picky with food but gets sawa after a few months. we did a little bit of research and found out that monge is actually the leading pet food manufacturer in italy – that’s added confidence that we’re …

puppy dog training near me

puppy love specializes in “clicker training”, a positive, scientifically proven approach to training that anyone can do and every dog will love. puppy love has been making training your dog fun, easy, and effective since 1992. we specialize in puppy kindergarten classes where puppies from 9 weeks to 6 months of age learn to be well behaved members of the household. we believe you really can teach an “old” dog new tricks, and that it is never too late to …

puppy biting older dog

puppies are full of boundless energy, they explore the world with their mouths and all they want to do is play. yet, to better understand this behavior, it helps taking a look back into what your puppy was doing when he was living with the breeder along with his litter mates and mom. it is therefore not unusual for puppies at this young age to yelp in pain and withdraw from play in surrender. so after the older dogs try …

dog food specials

to be sure you get the best deals, we’ve put together the latest pet food coupon codes, offers and specials. the store also has occasional clearance sales where you can save up to 60% off on a range of pet products including food. if you create a pet food subscription with its repeat delivery service, you’re guaranteed the lowest prices on your items and free shipping. you can also take advantage of the amazon subscribe and save option, where you …

dog nanny

samantha caters to the whims of dogs, taking them for walks, feeding them, and hanging out with them. after all, don’t we do the same for our dogs? she’s a full-time “dog nanny,” and she’s paid handsomely for time spent living with other people’s dogs. according to a recent nbc news report, in 2016 the average dog guardian will spend $1,641 on their pet, which is no small number in itself. according to one pet nanny profiled in the telegraph: …