ziwi peak dog food

unlike conventional dry foods that are mass produced and cooked at high temperatures, our foods are handcrafted and gently air-dried in our kitchens. a modern take on centuries-old meat preserving techniques, our z-twintech™ air drying technology locks in the goodness of our raw ingredients, without artificial preservatives. ziwi peak air-dried dog food is crafted to combine the best of raw and fresh diets with the safe convenience of dry foods. a modern take on centuries‑old meat preserving techniques, our z-twintech™ air drying technology locks in the goodness of our raw ingredients, creating ready-serve raw-inspired nutrition. our free-range, grass-fed meats and local poultry are ethically raised under new zealand’s freedom principles, while our sustainable seafood comes from the world’s top-ranked fisheries. crafted for peak nutrition, with high inclusions of meat, organs, and seafood in authentic peakprey™ ratios – with added superfoods for a nutritional boost.

that’s why our dog food recipes feature high inclusions of meat, organs, and seafood in peakprey™ ratios ─ with added superfoods, for a nutritional boost. what’s not in our recipes is just as important as what is. every ziwi peak recipe is free from high glycemic ingredients, artificial preservatives, and binders. a modern take on centuries‑old meat preserving techniques, our z-twintech™ air drying technology locks in the goodness of our raw ingredients, creating ready-serve raw-inspired nutrition. our free-range, grass-fed meats and local poultry are ethically raised under new zealand’s freedom principles, while our sustainable seafood comes from the world’s top-ranked fisheries. crafted for peak nutrition, with high inclusions of meat, organs, and seafood in authentic peakprey™ ratios – with added superfoods for a nutritional boost.

air-dried scoop & serve. free-range farming. ziwi peak pet food with no grains. no grains sugars or glycerins added air-dried scoop & serve. free-range farming. welcome to ziwipeak – home of healthy, 100% natural dog and cat food. for a complete balanced, healthy and totally natural diet for your pet. ziwi dog food recipes feature high inclusions of meat, organs, bone, and seafood in peakprey™ ratios, with added superfoods for an additional nutritional, ziwi peak dog food review, ziwi peak dog food review, ziwi peak dog food near me, ziwi dog food recall, ziwi peak dog food feeding guide.

ziwi peak is a grain-free air-dried raw dog food using a generous amount of named meats and organs as its dominant source of animal protein, thus earning the ziwi uses a modern and refined twist on the centuries-old technique by taking a hands-on, artisanal approach. each of their recipes is made in perfect for carnivores, our peakprey recipes are rich in meat and organs in authentic ratios, free from unnecessary carbohydrates. proudly made by passionate, ziwi peak dog food reddit, ziwi peak dog treats, ziwi peak dog food venison, ziwi peak dog food lamb.

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