tennis balls bad for dogs

tennis balls are the quintessential modern dog toy. this is because, while they are undeniably one of the most beloved dog toys out there, tennis balls can pose health risks for dogs. dogs with powerful jaws like hers can easily break tennis balls in their mouths. sometimes, one-half of the tennis ball can get lodged in the back of their throats, blocking the airway. if this seems far-fetched, you may have heard that oprah winfrey’s golden retriever, gracie, choked to death on a plastic ball. some dogs enjoy shredding the yellow-green fuzz that surrounds the tennis ball.

that green fuzz might seem soft, but tennis balls are designed to withstand tennis courts and rackets. as your dog chomps on a tennis ball, the fuzz acts like sandpaper, gradually wearing down her teeth in a process called “blunting.” this can eventually lead to dental problems such as exposed tooth pulp and difficulty chewing. this is especially important for dogs that like to chew on tennis balls, as they are the most at risk for choking and dental wear. there are a few other things you can do to ensure that your dog plays with tennis balls as safely as possible. dogs that pick up multiple tennis balls could get the ball at the back of their throats lodged dangerously. if your dog can’t handle tennis balls without chomping obsessively, you may want to consider an alternative toy. all in all, tennis balls can be a fun part of your daily routine, as long as you are aware of the potential risks and take the necessary steps to prevent accidents.

when you think about classic dog toys over the years, tennis balls are sure to make the list. while it can be difficult to guarantee the safety of any pet product, you should pay special attention to your pup while he’s playing with anything you don’t completely trust. although there’s no denying the upsides to playing with tennis balls (price, easy to find, etc. dogs may not realize it while they’re having a blast, but the neon yellow fuzzy material that gives the tennis ball its grip will also microscopically grip onto the enamel of your dog’s teeth (via wellpets). despite its decent size, dogs can still choke on a tennis ball, whether whole or in pieces. since dogs have such a strong bite, they can squeeze the ball hard enough to split it open. it’s not difficult for them to strip off the ball’s yellow fuzzy coating, which can also become lodged in the mouth, throat, or intestines.

again, it’s important to remember that tennis balls are not designed to be chew toys for dogs; they’re designed to be used in tennis. today’s requirement is that children’s toys in the united states contain 100 ppm of lead or less (via cpsc). in fact, of all tennis balls tested in 2009 by the michigan-based ecology center, every one that tested positive for toxins was one designed for pet use. a large, frozen carrot can make a great teething tool for young pups or those who like to chew. this product is one that tested negative for all chemicals during the 2009 study. if your dog is a sucker for the classic tennis ball, kong’s squeakair balls might be the right bet. as concerning as the findings about regular tennis balls might be, don’t worry! if you’re unsure about any of your pet’s products or toys, you can also search for any tests they may have been part of by typing into the search box on the healthy stuff reports page from the ecology center.

as your dog chomps on a tennis ball, the fuzz acts like sandpaper, gradually wearing down her teeth in a process called “blunting.” this can eventually lead to it may seem counterintuitive, but researchers found that tennis balls made specifically for pets were more likely to contain toxic chemicals, even if your dog doesn’t try to eat his tennis ball, it may still cause him harm. the outer covering of a tennis ball is quite abrasive, so abrasive that it can, are kong tennis balls safe for dogs, tennis balls for dogs, tennis balls for dogs, are tennis balls toxic, what balls are safe for dogs.

the tennis ball can split apart in the back of the throat, blocking your dog’s airway. this can be fatal for your dog. the tennis ball can also break down into pieces as the dog chews, which creates a high risk that your dog will ingest those pieces. most tennis balls are not toxic, due to more stringent regulations. it is more regulated than the dog toy industry, which has many more tennis balls pose a choking hazard for dogs. it may seem unlikely that your dog could split a tennis ball in half and end up choking on it, but experts warn the general consensus is that yes, the felt on a standard tennis ball is abrasive and if chewed excessively and constantly, can begin to wear, balls safe for dogs teeth, are chuckit balls safe for dogs teeth, tennis balls for dogs bulk, tennis balls for dogs amazon.

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