taking care of kittens

one of the most important things to do is to arrange to take your kitten to the veterinarian for a general health check. although your kitten may want to share your bed it is important to provide them with a comfortable dry bed of their own as well. play time is important for bonding between you and your kitten. positively reward your cat with a tasty cat food treat, verbal praise and patting for allowing you to groom them. this way your cat will associate grooming with positive things, making it easier for both of you. in general, cats don’t need to be bathed and most cats can find it quite stressful.

‘rewards’ positively reinforce the desired behaviour and make it more likely your cat will perform the behaviour again. for example, play time is a good opportunity for you to teach your kitten good manners. talk to your vet for advice about behaviour. if your kitten does start to scratch furniture, cover the furniture with protective material and provide plenty of appropriate alternative things for them to direct their scratching behaviour towards. desexing, prior to sexual maturity effectively prevents unplanned and unwanted litters of kittens, helping to reduce the number of unwanted cats and kittens in the community. remember that some commonly found plants, such as lilies, are toxic to cats and it is important that you familiarise yourself with these and remove them from your garden and house and avoid purchasing them in floral arrangements. check with your local council regarding any laws relating to keeping a pet cat.

how to take care of a kitten is one of the most common kitten care questions we are asked, but also one of the broadest. it is critically important that you consider the time commitment necessary to do your part and ensure proper kitten development. preventive care is important in ensuring your kitten is given the best opportunity to live a healthy life. a discussion about your cat’s lifestyle and proper flea and tick control is an indispensable component of kitten care. caring for a kitten can certainly be one of the most fun and rewarding experiences you can have as a cat owner, however, if you are under-informed about the needs of your kitten during this time, you can leave them at a developmental disadvantage.

and then the first, most important thing that we’ll recommend is a fecal check for any intestinal parasites. even if they’re going to be indoors, we recommend at least getting a series started with them, just in case to prevent this viral disease that can cause some pretty bad problems down the road. and the next most important thing is a heartworm and flea prevention. and then they should have a little bit of dry food to graze on throughout the day. and they might be a little shy and kind of awkward. they’ll start to come down a little bit as they get older, and then they’ll grow to be the friendly adult cat you’ll come to know and love over the next 15, 16 years.

talk to your vet about annual health check-ups, vaccinations, microchipping, desexing and flea and worm prevention. desexing, prior to sexual this includes complete orphan kitten care such as bottle feeding kittens every 2-4 hours, keeping their environment warm and safe, and helping the kitten to separating kittens from their biological moms and siblings is best when they’re 10 to 12 weeks old. if the litter hasn’t had much human contact, however, it’s, kitten care guide week by week, how to take care of a kitten 3 months old, how to take care of a kitten for the first time, how to take care of a kitten 4 weeks old.

caring for your kitten’s hygiene kittens are generally kept clean by their mothers. and once they are weaned, they are fairly fastidious. but schedule an appointment early. no matter what, schedule your kitten’s first vet appointment within a week of getting her. ask about intestinal parasites, fleas they prefer snacking and can eat 3-4 meals a day. to start out, leave dry food available to them at all times and feed them wet food twice a day. you will want, how to take care of a kitten 2 months old, how to take care of a kitten 8 weeks old, kitten care timeline, kitten care timeline, how to look after a kitten when at work.

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