switching dog food

whatever the reason for the switch, changing your dog’s diet is more complex than simply pouring the new food into a bowl. during this transition, you will gradually incorporate more and more of the new food by mixing it with your dog’s current diet. the key to a good diet transition is monitoring your dog’s individual response. an adverse food reaction is a blanket term used to describe a number of different food-related illnesses in dogs such as food allergies, food intolerance, and other gastrointestinal diseases. adverse food reactions can present with gastrointestinal symptoms, cutaneous symptoms, or a combination of the two. if your dog’s symptoms resolve during the diet trial, this can be a sign that food was the culprit.

the best way to monitor your dog’s digestive health is to pay attention to the quality of the stool. a great way to evaluate your dog’s stool is to use a fecal scoring chart. choosing an appropriate diet for your dog is a complicated process. learning how to read a pet food label can also help demystify the process of choosing a dog food. aafco is responsible for establishing definitions for many of the terms you will find on a bag of dog food. finding the best food for your dog can be a lengthy process, but with the right tools and a gradual transition, you can ensure the switch is successful.

there are several reasons why you may want (or need) to change to a new food brand or formula: whatever the reason is for change, you should always consult with a veterinarian before transitioning your pet to a new diet. while we mentioned a few reasons you may need to change your dog or cat’s food, with the risk of pet sensitivity to new food, why would you want to switch to a new food at all? if you suspect your pet has a food allergy, you may need the assistance of a veterinary allergist or dermatologist. again, always consult with your veterinarian before switching your pet to a new formula.

there are some instances when your veterinarian may recommend a change in diet for your dog or cat, based on unique needs. once you find a formula that your pet likes, it’s a good idea to stay with it to avoid an upset stomach. products, schedules, discounts, and rates may vary and are subject to change. advantage and k9 advantix are registered trademarks of bayer. purchase in a petco store or on petco.com required for free application.

switching your dog’s food abruptly can cause gastrointestinal upset such as vomiting, diarrhea, and a decreased appetite. any time you decide to start with 75% old food mixed with 25% new food for approximately three days then mix 50% old with 50% new for approximately three days then 75% new, 25% old it is important that your dog switch dog food gradually from his current dog food to avoid digestive upset or tummy trouble., .

the best way to transition your dog’s food is to mix your current dog food with the new dog food for at least 5 days. this allows for your dog’s digestive tract there’s no big secret to switching foods. this is simply a matter of gradual change to let the gut bacteria in your dog’s digestive system how to switch dog food days 1 to 2: feed 3/4 of the normal amount of current food and add 1/4 of the new food. days 3 to 4: serve half the current food and, .

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