sparkle dog food

from a value standpoint you could buy a dog food that’s less than half the cost per pound of this and still have a much better dog food. a portion of sparkle dog sales go to the susan g koman foundation. any time you see “natural flavor” in a dog food you can chalk it up to “mystery flavor” because the regulations are extremely loose around what a “natural flavor” is.

the product page for sparkle dog claims it’s “made with wholesome fruits”, but in reality, by weight, there is more salt in this bag than there are blueberries. the center for science in the public interest lists red #3 as one of nine dyes currently approved for consumption that they believe should be banned from being used in foods due to studied health concerns. i was a bit surprised when i took a look at the sparkle dog product page on amazon and found it had an average of 4.2 out of 5 stars. you can buy sparkle dog on amazon and maybe some random pet boutiques around the us, but in my opinion, you really shouldn’t.

what it is: sparkledog, kameron westcott‘s pink-colored premium dog food, which she created, developed and launched on season 2 of the real housewives of dallas. so it only made sense to throw my housewives passion on my pooch! bag cost $28 on amazon, came in two days with my prime membership, and was super-easy to incorporate into my dog’s diet. that being said, i’d be lying if i said i wasn’t a little concerned about the idea of “pink” dog food when i first heard westcott bring up the idea on rhod. as a vegetarian and dog food-snob, i was nervous about putting something in my dog’s bowl that would be filled with chemicals and other junk. but with fresh chicken as the first ingredient, i was happy to see the made-in-the-u.s. food contains no corn, wheat, soy or gluten ingredients and no artificial preservatives. a lot of good complex carbohydrates, vitamins and nutrients to make up for the stuff i wasn’t too thrilled to see. most of the food is brown like any other dry dog food you’d buy, a decision westcott said they came to on a recent episode after a focus group found shoppers got nervous with all-pink food.

none of that mattered to peanut, of course — seeing as dogs are colorblind and everything. but it sure brightened her “hungry” bowl in my kitchen. well, it’s important to note that peanut’s not a scarfer when it comes to food. she’s also the type of dog who likes to have her food switched up often, and often gets excited at the beginning of a bag and then more bored towards the end. interested and excited in the beginning, a little more relaxed about it towards the end. she didn’t have any strange side-effects to the food — no vomiting, diarrhea or constipation as she has experienced with other foods. other than that, i saw the same amount of energy in her behavior as always. verdict: all in all, i’d recommend the food, especially if you’re looking to add a little bit of “sparkle” into your dog’s life.

sparkledog dog food was featured on the real housewives of dallas. kameron westcott, a new dallas housewife, is launching this nutritious dog food. sparkledog™ provides a diet that is rich in quality proteins, essential fatty acids, and added nutrients. grain free dog food, gluten free dog food. dog treats, vitamins, and shampoo giving pups energy & infinite happiness. tasty too! as seen on #rhod order our new treats!., sparkle dog premium dog food, sparkle dog premium dog food, sparkle dog base, pink dog food, sparkle dog fursuit.

sparkle dog is a “premium dog food” launched by kameron westcott, a lady on the bravo reality show “real housewives of dallas”. sparkledog premium grain free dog food: made with fresh chicken, fruits and vegetables for a healthy canine coat customer reviews, including product star what it is: sparkledog, kameron westcott’s pink-colored premium dog food, which she created, developed and launched on season 2 of the real, sparkle dog picrew, sparkle food, sparkledog meme, sparkledog tumblr.

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