small batch dog food

the smallbatch product line includes the 7 raw dog foods listed below. ingredients: chicken, skinless chicken necks, chicken backs, chicken livers, chicken hearts, chicken gizzards, organic carrots, organic yams, organic broccoli, organic squash, salmon oil, organic kale, organic collards, organic apple cider vinegar, organic kelp, organic bee pollen, organic parsley, organic wheat grass, organic bilberry, organic garlic, organic rosemary, organic basil, vitamin e supplement the first ingredient in this dog food is chicken. chicken is considered “the clean combination of flesh and skin… derived from the parts or whole carcasses of chicken”.1 the next two ingredients are chicken necks and chicken backs. the fourth ingredient lists chicken liver, an organ meat sourced from a named animal and thus considered a beneficial component. it’s naturally rich in quality protein, minerals and complex b vitamins, too. the gizzard is a low-fat, meaty organ found in the digestive tract of birds and assists in grinding up a consumed food. this item is considered a canine dietary delicacy. so, assuming this item is indeed sweet potatoes, it can be considered a good source of complex carbohydrates. the ninth ingredient is organic broccoli, a healthy green vegetable and a member of the kale family.

but to be realistic, ingredients located this far down the list (other than nutritional supplements) are not likely to affect the overall rating of this product. first, salmon oil is naturally rich in the prized epa and dha type of omega-3 fatty acids. although many favor the ingredient for its claimed health benefits, garlic has been linked to heinz body anemia in dogs.2 so, one must weigh the potential benefits of feeding garlic against its proven tendency to cause subclinical damage to the red blood cells of the animal. in addition, wheat grass is prized for its vitamin and mineral content. and lastly, except for the vitamin e supplement, we find no added vitamins or minerals on the ingredients list. as a group, the brand features an average protein content of 53% and a mean fat level of 33%. smallbatch is a grain-free raw dog food using a generous amount of named meats and organs as its dominant source of animal protein, thus earning the brand 5 stars. the dog food advisor is privately owned. this helps cover the cost of operation of our free blog.

our products are 100% certified organic and our supplements are clean, organic and unrefined at all times. no hpp (high pressure pasteurization), always 100% raw, as planned by default. smallbatch lightlycooked gentle sous vide sustainable & organic ingredients irresistibly delicious! product description. smallbatch beefbatch sliders freeze-dried raw dog food is 88% beef, 10% vegetables and 2% supplements. smallbatch is a grain-free raw dog food using a generous amount of named meats and organs as its dominant source of animal protein, thus earning the brand 5, small batch food, small batch food, small batch pets, small batch dog patties, small batch cat food reviews.

all of our ingredients are carefully selected to meet the standards we feel every pet deserves: organic herbs and vegetables, hormone and antibiotic free meats, family owned raw pet food company using humanely raised, sustainable, organic, whole food ingredients. feeding pets since 2005. no dm’s please only. smallbatch is a holistic approach to your pet’s nutritional needs. healthy pets, happy people! frozen raw dog food batches for dogs: beef batch, chicken batch,, small batch dog treats, smallbatch, small batch raw cat food, small batches the pet gourmet.

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