yorkie training secrets

while yorkies make up for these difficulties with their sweet disposition, an untrained yorkie can be a nightmare around the house. thanks to positive reinforcement, you build a connection in your yorkie’s mind between the command word, the action, and the reward. it also allows you to encourage and reward “good behavior.” unfortunately, sometimes it’s not enough to ignore the naughty actions or say a firm “no!” to let your dog know that they’re “bad.” in these cases, you should …

yorkie care

training them from a young age when and where not to bark can be important for these little tyrants. yorkies tend to be a high energy breed, meaning they require a good amount of exercise and are always ready for the next adventure. as mentioned, yorkies have a tendency to be wary of dogs they do not know. tips: one of the best things you can do to make the grooming process as smooth as possible is to make it …

stuffed duck dog toy

tips, stories, and reviews for people who love dogs, powered by rover.com, the world’s largest network of 5-star pet sitters and dog walkers. whether you want life-like retriever duck dog toys or just something sweet and fuzzy to keep your pup occupied, there’s a little something for everyone. as with all dog toys, since they can break down, it’s best to only have these out when you’re able to supervise your dog. when your dog loves soft toys, but you …

dog grooming at home

we bring with us over twenty years of experience, thousands of dogs groomed and a fresh approach to mobile grooming. we enjoy grooming all manner of dog breeds from the biggest to the smallest and everywhere in between! we guarantee we will treat your pet as good as we would treat our own and we promise to always strive to be the best dog groomer that you’ve ever had. “this the best grooming mobile/place for my fur babies. we noses …

pee pad training

akc is a participant in affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to akc.org. for all the joy and excitement of bringing home a new puppy, potty training can be enough to make you wonder what you were thinking. the goal of potty training is simple, but the details can be confusing, like whether to use puppy pads or even an indoor doggy bathroom. having your dog go outside …