wsava dog food

the global nutrition committee (gnc) began life in 2010 with the initial task of developing global nutrition guidelines, which were first published in 2011. the goal of these guidelines is to help the veterinary healthcare team and pet owners ensure that dogs and cats are on an optimal nutrition plan tailored to the needs of the individual dog or cat. these include practical aids for the veterinary healthcare team to make nutritional assessment and recommendations more efficient, such as a …

vet recommended dog food 2020

this human-grade fresh food is by far the best dog food that you can feed your dog, their recipes are formulated by veterinary nutritionists, and come with the aafco’s stamp of approval. if your dog is overweight or obese, i recommend using a prescription veterinary diet as the quickest and safest way to get them back to an appropriate weight. luckily, royal canin make a moderate calorie version of this diet that is perfect for keeping your dog at a …