silvervine sticks for cats

i used to choose one for my cat that was about 1/2 inch in diameter and 6 inches long because this was the perfect size for him to wrap his body around and bunny-kick. having a larger stick also felt safer to me, like he wouldn’t swallow chunks of it or poke his eye or nose. i haven’t found a good source of fresh honeysuckle wood in the us. they also sold a no scratch-type spray that smelled wonderful, like …

silvervine cat toy

a cat’s life can be downright stressful. luckily the planet has engineered ways to provide kitty with an escape from all the pressure. a plant native to the mountainous regions of eastern asia, silvervine has been used in asia for centuries as a preventative health aid. reactions vary from cat to cat, but the bottom line is that they all go nuts for the stuff. effects generally last from 5-30 minutes. a study from the university of illinois found that …

silver vine sticks for cats

my cat is a very active chewer, but it takes very little silver vine stick to satisfy him. there’s actually a lot of evidence on the internet that silver vine sticks has caused harm to many cats, especially if ingested. sometimes, if they feel that what they’re trying to swallow is a problem or taste gross, they might tilt their head and hope that it unsticks from their rough tongues but i wouldn’t count on that happening. keep anything off …

dental cat toys

before we get into the best cat chew toys for your little chomper, let’s take a look at why the upkeep of your cat’s teeth is so important. the veterinarians at cornell produced a series of helpful tutorials on how to brush your cat’s teeth with a toothbrush that is worth a look. catnip dental chews by petstages clean teeth and massage gums to improve your cat’s dental health! these adorable dental cat chew toys are stuffed with catnip to …

best toys for bengal cats

because the breed is known for being intelligent, curious, and playful, the best toys for bengal cats have an interactive component that feeds their need to explore and allows them to be on the move. the toy charges with the included usb cable, and depending on how often your bengal plays, one charge can last up to a week. the simple toy consists of a bouncy spring steel wire and rolled-up cardboard “bait” that’s irresistible for bengals that like to …