vibrant life dog food

at the time of this review, they only have a few recipes and most of them are chicken but for the sake of this article i focused on the beef recipe. since it is the 3rd ingredient, it is likely that a large portion of the protein comes from soy. this by product of fermentation is believed to be safe by some, but many scientists have shown that it can be carcinogenic and should be banned by the fda. considering …

sushi cat toy

get them a little taste of those forbidden foods with the frisco plush sushi cat toy with catnip. and these toys are stuffed with enticing catnip to keep your cat coming back to play again and again. no toy is indestructible. discontinue use if the toy is damaged. keep out of reach of children note: cats usually begin to appreciate catnip between 6 and 8 months of age. catnip is an herb that grows naturally in the environment. it is …