prodog training

years ago, when dogs were kept in the back yard, their manners left a lot to be desired. as people have become more security conscious, they have brought their pets into the home. along with this, they have discovered both the joys and the frustrations of having  a loyal companion as part of the family. just as small children must learn the proper way to behave,your dog must be taught how to become a family member and live by the …

cesar millan training

in addition to obedience commands, there is also a mark, for when your dog is doing something right; and a no-mark, for when your dog is doing something wrong. most people have a hard time not giving a dog eye contact, especially when the dog is so happy and excited to see them. this article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. milan is the worst thing to happen in dog training in a long time. …