rat dog toy

wild animals represent a great part of our nature and can be really fun. thanks to the realistic look of hunter’s dog toys wildlife your dog can be chasing these animals conveniently at home or in the yard of your house. this particular toy looks like a rat and is made of fluffy material that feels like the hair of the live animal. the toy contains a squeaker for additional fun. if dirty, the toy can be washed too. quality …

sloth dog

but the lives of these two animals are entangled not just because of their comparable cuteness. after cats and rats, domestic dogs have become the third-most-damaging mammals – and yet this fact has received almost no media attention. predation is the biggest threat posed by domestic dogs to wildlife, followed by the transmission of diseases, competition, and hybridization. dog attacks are now the second leading cause of death to sloths in costa rica. the chances of a sloth encountering a …

moving mouse cat toy

this playfully energetic hexbug mouse robotic cat toy will mesmerize your cat with its lifelike movements and actions. one of my cats is 2 the other 7. the mouse doesn’t have wheels, it has little flippers on the bottom & as long as your cat keeps playing with it, it will keep moving. i have a short video of my 2 cats playing with it, but looks like i can only attach photos & not videos. i can’t believe how …