basic dog

it’s a myth that pups need to be at least six months old before they can be properly trained – the younger they are, the easier it is to teach them. this is another basic dog command, but be careful not to confuse your dog by saying ‘down’ if you want them to get off the sofa or to stop pawing at your legs. if you want your dog to understand the difference, you need to know what you want …

training a french bulldog

preparing to welcome a french bulldog puppy into your home for the first time? similar to baby-proofing, plan on puppy-proofing your home before your frenchie arrives. “your puppy should come to you with a ‘shot record,’” indicating when the next vaccination is due, she added. find a vet and schedule the next in the first-year vaccination schedule, and be sure to discuss possible side effects before any subsequent vaccinations. because frenchies are short-coated, brushing should take about five minutes or …