rattlesnake avoidance training for dogs

if you and your dog hike frequently in salt lake city and around utah, you’re probably aware that rattlesnakes can be a threat to dogs when hiking. if you find your dog has been struck by a rattlesnake, try not to panic and do not attempt to capture or kill the snake. “treatment by your veterinarian with antivenin is needed as soon as possible to reduce the risk of potentially deadly effects from the venom. if you suspect that your …

rattlesnake training for dogs

moving to the desert opened my eyes to all kinds of new dangers as a dog owner. while most of the people i spoke with felt this was better than a rattlesnake bite, i knew there had to be another option. but a few year ago two of her dogs confronted a rattlesnake in the yard. $2,234, plus untold heartache wondering if the dog would pull through after a night in the doggy e.r. generally in these classes, the dog …

snake training for dogs

i have been working on a positive reinforcement protocol for teaching snake avoidance to dogs since 2009. this year, prior to covid-19, i completed the first phase of a project designed to test the effectiveness of this protocol. there are several separate components that must be in place before snake-avoidance training can begin: i had lined up 18 dogs to test the protocol in nevada. although all the handlers and trainers knew the requirements, five of the dogs did not …