go solutions dog food

the amount of food your dog needs will vary depending on breed, activity level, age and climate. the transition period should be at minimum, 10 days and could take upwards of 2 weeks, depending on your pet’s sensitivity to change. all of our fresh meat and meat meal ingredients are sourced from animals passed fit for human consumption by the cfia.

all of the meat proteins, grains, cereals, fruits and vegetables in our go! i …

go dog food

sensitivities limited ingredient grain free salmon was selected to represent the other products in the line for detailed recipe and nutrient analysis. after cooking, most of that moisture is lost, reducing the meat content to just a fraction of its original weight. fish meal is typically obtained from the “clean, dried, ground tissue of undecomposed whole fish and fish cuttings” of commercial fish operations.1 the next ingredient includes peas, which are a quality source of carbohydrates. however, both peas and …