puppy not eating food

so if your pup has suddenly lost their appetite, it’s bound to be a bit concerning. try some of the tips below to help encourage them to eat, and make sure to give your vet a call if they’re still not eating after a couple of days. sometimes, there may not be a medical or behavioral problem causing your dog to refuse their dinner. open a new pack if you can to see if your dog will eat that — …

dog not eating food

whether you’ve had pet dogs for years or you’ve just adopted your first puppy, it can be very distressing when your dog won’t eat. the first thing to keep in mind is how you’re judging your dog’s appetite. if you’re concerned because your dog isn’t eating as much as the guidelines state on the food you purchase, remember that these are only averages. because loss of appetite in dogs can indicate illness, it is important to seek veterinary care if …

caring for a new puppy

but be cautioned; parenting a new puppy is no walk in the park. read on to learn the 10 most important steps to care for your new puppy. anyone who has welcomed a new baby or toddler into their home knows that there are certain everyday items which need to be removed and kept out of reach for the safety and care of the youngster. a range of things to play with will make him feel cared-for, comfortable and happy …

puppy culture training

it is a comprehensive, organized program for breeders to follow during the first weeks of a puppy’s life. this is an almost magical time when a breeder has the power to change the outcome of a puppy’s life by what we choose to teach him. making sure that your puppy’s genetic material is excellent is only the beginning. the physical and emotional health of the mother will affect the health of her puppies. a puppy’s predisposition to form deep and …

raw diet for puppies

unfortunately, raw diets carry significant health risks to your pet, as well as humans, and there is no scientific evidence that this type of diet is beneficial. one of the biggest concerns with raw diets is the risk posed by bacterial and parasitic contamination in raw meat. several studies have shown that dogs eating raw diets contaminated with salmonella will shed the bacteria in their saliva and feces, so there’s a risk of transmission to humans. a balanced diet containing …