muenster dog food

after cooking, most of that moisture is lost, reducing the meat content to just a fraction of its original weight. however, the ash content of the final product is typically adjusted in the recipe to allow its mineral profile to meet aafco guidelines. the sixth ingredient is millet, a gluten-free grain harvested from certain seed grasses. however, flaxseed contains about 19% protein, a factor that must be considered when judging the actual meat content of this dog food.

dog food brands to avoid

after all, while we all know that there are certain human foods (such as chocolate and certain types of fruit), dog food manufacturers go to great lengths to promote every ingredient in their recipes as being beneficial for your pooch even though – as you’re about to find out- that simply isn’t always the case. as we discussed in our guide to the best homemade dog food recipes, protein should always be the central ingredient in your pup’s meals, so …