labrador puppy food

as a dog lover, you want to give your pooch the best of everything and that includes the best food. so puppies thrive best on puppy food, adult dogs on adult dog food and it’s strongly recommended to buy food aimed at the life stage of your dog. this is a very high-quality food your puppy will truly thrive on and is our top recommendation as the best puppy food for labs. this food also contains salmon oil, which is …

labrador food

then of course there is the choice of how much to feed a labrador. even experts differ on which method of feeding is the most healthy, what makes a diet balanced, how easy it is to feed a dog a balanced diet, and which brand of kibble is best. that is the dried pellets of dog food that you can buy in pet stores and online. the main advantage of being able to open a packet and instantly pour food …

puppy pee pad training problems

the good news is, with a good plan and the support of a professional, potty training doesn’t have to be as difficult as it might seem. i have a play pen and have started placing him in it yesterday for some of the time. we have a crate that she sleeps in our room, a pen with her pee pad and a play area outside of the pen. we try to have perfect supervision when he’s in the pen, but …