karen pryor academy

by ken ramirez  in the eye of the trainer, ken ramirez brings to life the power of positive reinforcement training to build trust and transform lives. the cloud is a “must have” for your canine gym. k9fitbones™ dog balance bone superior gripping – made for dogs sensory bumps provide… agility helps develop a stronger bond, confidence and self-awareness for dogs of any age or breed. improve your dog’s dynamic balance, independent limb awareness and coordination with fitpaws® balance pods. great …

impulse control dog training

teaching your dog impulse control is an important life skill that can help keep them safe and curb unwanted behaviors like darting out of doorways or jumping on people. the longer and more frequently a dog is allowed to practice a behavior, the more time it can take for them to break the habit. i can’t tell you the number of times i’ve been on a dog walk and have seen a dog come barreling out of their house in …