healthy snacks for dogs

let’s take a look: your pet might not jump up and down with excitement over a stray broccoli floret, but small amounts of fruits and vegetables rank among some of the best types of people snacks for your pet. experiment to find what your pet enjoys most and be sure to thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables first. avoid raw, spicy and fatty meats and resist feeding the skin to your pet, as it is high in fat. salmon is a …

healthy food for dogs

and as it turns out, lots of superfoods for dogs are good for humans, too. this supercharged leafy green contains loads of vitamins, including a, e, and c. it’s a good source of antioxidants and helps the liver detoxify the body. they’re loaded with carotenoids, fiber, vitamins c and k (which aids in blood clotting to help wounds heal), as well as potassium. they also have magnesium, manganese, most of the b vitamins, and phosphorus, which is required for energy …

safe foods for dogs

apples yes, dogs can eat apples. bananas yes, dogs can eat bananas. blueberries yes, dogs can eat blueberries. cranberries yes, cranberries are safe for dogs to eat. mango yes, dogs can eat mangoes. peaches yes, peaches are safe for dogs to eat.

pineapple yes, pineapple is safe for dogs to eat. raspberries yes, dogs can eat raspberries. it’s important to remove the rind and seeds first, as they can cause intestinal blockage, but watermelon flesh …

mind toys for dogs

while these toys offer much-needed mental stimulation for your pup, nothing can replace the value of engaging in interactive play with your dog (i.e. this selection of puzzle games and treat toys has something for small dogs, large dogs, and everyone in between. this plush puzzle game is simple, really— you stuff the adorable little squeaky squirrels into the oh-so-soft tree trunk and watch your dog pull them out one by one. this interactive toy is super fun and food …

hot dogs for dogs

if your dog is known to have certain food allergies, then hot dogs are best avoided as they often have multiple ingredients, so it’s difficult to judge if they’re going to cause a problem for your furry friend. vegetarian or plant-based hot dogs and sausages are generally safe. you should never feed raw hot dogs to your pup, even if he’s on a raw meat diet. cut the hot dog up into small pieces to offer your dog as a …