german shepherd dog food

our dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 36% protein, 22% fat and 34% estimated carbs… yielding a fat-to-protein ratio of about 63%. dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 34% protein, 17% fat and 41% estimated carbs… resulting in a fat-to-protein ratio of about 50%. dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 38% protein, 17% fat and 38% estimated carbs… producing a fat-to-protein ratio of about 44%. dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 33% …

german shepherd puppy food

and, it falls on you to get the very best food for german shepherd puppies to ensure a healthy life for your puppy. in truth, there are many different types of german shepherds and make for very faithful companions that love to lead. but, german shepherds usually need proper care and attention as they undergo drastic growth in the initial year of their life. they guarantee an energetic and fit german shepherd puppy by adding in other minerals for the …

german shepherd dog training

finding a good, ethical breeder is one of the most important ways to ensure you are getting off to the right start in obtaining the puppy who will be the best fit for you and your household. puppies of all breeds have a critical socialization window that closes at 12 to 16 weeks of life, and your gsd puppy is no exception. a confident puppy is a happy puppy.” during this period, be sure to expose your gsd to the …

training your german shepherd dog

you can start to train your german shepherd puppy as soon as you get them home from the breeders – the younger the better. german shepherds have some classic behaviours associated with them – namely the need to protect and being triggered by movement – not in a bad way. this is a sensitive period where they’re the most eager to learn about the world and make connections that affect how they view things, often for the rest of their …

german shepherd diet

the best diet for german shepherds is a high-quality protein-rich diet consisting of 18-22% protein. for example, if your dog is an adult, inactive, or needs to lose weight, you should choose a diet for adult maintenance. if your dog is a working dog or highly active, you may choose a diet for “all life stages” due to the extra calories and nutrition. however, these are the main types of diet that you can feed your german shepherd: if you …