essential dog food

our purpose in life is to be at the service of dogs. we proudly present to you our newest treat, essential the lynx, a tribute to cats (which dogs happen to absolutely love too)! as deceptions go, the idea that there is no significant difference in the quality of the different dog foods on the market is one of the biggest. that’s why we never consider ourselves to be in the business of producing dog food. our british heritage rests …

essentials dog crate

when you first bring home your precious pup you will be overjoyed, you will also be spending time cleaning up after accidents and making a huge lifestyle adjustment. luckily, has all your puppy home essentials. find a wide range of puppy home supplies to help your puppy grow up to be strong. a great place to start is with puppy bowls and feeders. your pup needs easy access to her puppy food and treats. the bergan gourmet combo pack …

essential puppy supplies

from health and safety items to training and grooming tools and even essential services—we’ve rounded up the best products and information for your new puppy. choosing the right collar for your new puppy can lead to safer, more enjoyable walks and training sessions for you both. and there are a lot of options out there for new puppy parents, including travel dog bowls to keep your puppy hydrated on the go. for treating your new dog, it’s a good idea …

food supplements for dogs

we know that for our own health, supplements can fill gaps in our nutritional intake and help support the health of specific organs like hearts. you want supplements to help your dog in the best way possible, not hurt them, so always check with a vet and nutritionist before giving your dog any kind of vitamin or supplement! they contain many different types of vitamins and minerals that dogs need to support general health. in theory, these dog vitamins support …

oxbow rabbit food

feed your adult rabbit a diet that combines essential fiber and stabilized nutrients with oxbow essentials adult rabbit food. oxbow essentials adult rabbit food is specifically designed to meet the particular nutritional needs of adult rabbits. to transition your rabbit to his new food, gradually replace his current food with the new food over a four-week time period to prevent digestive issues and finicky eating patterns. this product is not intended for growing, active, pregnant or nursing rabbits. we encourage …