dog walking training

it can give them physical exercise, mental stimulation, and a chance to keep tabs on the neighborhood. where dogs choose to go to the bathroom is an important decision. if the urine or feces isn’t enough of a message, dogs sometimes scratch the ground with their feet to further emphasize their signal. giving your dog the opportunity to sniff the pee-mail and leave messages of his own will help him get the most out of his walks. we have five …

dog walking apps

dog lovers can sign up as dog walkers and get paid to take a quick walk or a long romp in the park. when it comes to job requirements, it’s best to have at least some experience with dogs. in my opinion, dog-walking apps are worth it if you are a student or looking to earn money on the side. but if you’re trying to make a living by walking dogs, you would have to build your own pet sitting …

dog walking leash

we may earn a commission if you buy products through our links, but our recommendations are independent of any compensation that we may receive. walking your dog regularly is good for her health and weight management, but as plenty of dog owners know, it can be tough to find the right leash. a dog walking, boarding and training service in new york, loves this leash, noting that it is super comfortable and rarely ever tangles or snags. “the inner coil …

dog paw care

but the intricate workings of a dog’s paws also help with temperature control, offer protection from various terrain, and provide enhanced stability for licking a bone or a toy. this is why you may have noticed your dog gripping a bone or dog toy with what looks like the side of their foot or leg. the carpal pad is like the human heel and can act as a kind of  brake. hare feet refers to a paw with two longer …

dog behavior classes

there are many factors that go into choosing the right obedience training classes for you and your puppy. most training schools are happy to allow you to attend and observe a class or two to be sure the style of instruction fits with your beliefs (leave you pup at home for this.) if you don’t feel comfortable at a particular training school, your dog won’t either, and you’ll be setting your dog up to fail. the schools’ trainers should be …