dog food puzzle toys

as the saying goes, “a tired dog is a good dog,” and there are no better dog toys to help stimulate your dog mentally and help them expend that extra energy than dog puzzle toys. your pup will have to use her intellect to not only find the hidden dog treats but also work out how to get to them. interactive dog toys can also be used to strengthen the bond between you and your pet. using a game like …

mental toys for dogs

on a decompression walk the dog gets to sniff and explore. in this article, i plan to show you different types of mentally stimulating dog toys and some of my favorites in each category. i just discovered this toy and it’s a genius idea – the toy stuffs into itself and the dog pulls it right side out. it makes mealtime a challenge for your dog, providing mentally stimulation as the dog keeps working to get all the food out. …

toys for hyper dogs

while their enthusiasm is endearing, it can also be exhausting. if not, here’s the lowdown: it’s a subscription service where every month a box full of cool dog treats and toys is delivered to your doorstep. what we love about this is that it’s a fun surprise for dogs and pup parents alike. keeping a hyperactive dog occupied isn’t easy, which is why the babble ball is so great. to get started, you load up the bubbletastic bacon bubble machine …

dog activity mat

activity mats for dogs, like snuffle mats, make for great canine boredom busting enrichment toys. in turn, relieving stress and boredom by way of mental and physical stimulation. providing your dog with mentally stimulating enrichment toys and games is important because it encourages and promotes natural behaviours (like sniffing and play) in a safe, controlled and appropriate setting. this post contains affiliate links for your convenience.

like the name suggests, an activity mat for dogs …

dog tunnel toy

a dog agility tunnel is very similar to a kid play tunnel, so much so that a lot of tunnels are marketed to both kids and dogs simultaneously. and since both exercise and mental stimulation are essential for the health and happiness of a dog, accessories such as dog tunnels can move from the “luxury” category to the “necessities” category, depending on your point of view. a dog tunnel can give your dog plenty of mental activity, especially if there …