dog food brands to avoid

after all, while we all know that there are certain human foods (such as chocolate and certain types of fruit), dog food manufacturers go to great lengths to promote every ingredient in their recipes as being beneficial for your pooch even though – as you’re about to find out- that simply isn’t always the case. as we discussed in our guide to the best homemade dog food recipes, protein should always be the central ingredient in your pup’s meals, so …

top dog food brands

if you want to know if a dog food is nutritionally complete, with a healthy balance of protein, fat, and fiber, look for an association of american feed control officials (aafco) statement on the package’s reading label or on the brand’s website. this is by no means a comprehensive list, and it’ll probably take some trial and error (read taste-testing on your pooch’s part) before you settle on a go-to pet food, but it should provide a jumping-off point for …

shih tzu food to avoid

since most shih tzu dogs also have an under-bite, choosing a food that is easy to pick up and chew is a must. if there is a deficiency of vitamin a or zinc, it can cause problems for the coat and skin. some shih tzu dogs are more picky than others when it comes to the types of food they eat. understanding what is in the food is very important, but so are other things found on the food label …

canadian dog food

to help you find the right canadian food as a dog owner for your patriotic pooch, organic raw dog food brands canada, we put together a list of the best dog foods made in canada. in all, this is one of the best raw dog food suppliers in ontario canada, and vancouver. salmon, turkey, lamb), low in starch, and that rank low on the glycemic index in order to give dogs a more consistent source of energy. carna4 is by …

best dog food for dogs

if you just got a new pup, or your dog is refusing to eat their dinner and you’re in the market for a new brand, check out the best dog food brands below. grain-free dog food has become a trend in recent years, and there are various opinions on whether or not it’s better for your pooch. even if you’re feeding your dog the best dog food brands, you still want to avoid these foods that could give your dog …