dog crate water bowl

the answer was, of course, to get a bowl that was specifically made for dog crates. having a two-piece water bowl for your dog’s crate means that you can slide the stainless steel bowl out of the plastic holder, making it super simple to wash and refill your dog’s water bowl. if you prefer a water bottle to a bowl in your dog’s crate, consider the lixit top fill water bottle. the bottle has a long tube and is easy …

water for dog crate

keeping that goal top of mind, you can wisely determine whether to crate her without water, how long you can leave her crated without water, and the instances where water in the dog crate is a good idea. though water in the crate isn’t advisable, never limit your puppy’s access to water as a housetraining tool. in general, your puppy should never spend more than two hours in a crate without an opportunity to drink, visit the back yard, go …

crate training 101

crate training is teaching your dog to calmly lie or sleep inside of a crate, especially while you’re at work or sleeping at night. when you’re looking for a crate to keep a dog from chewing on cords or stealing food, get the biggest crate you can fit in your space. if you get lucky with a really great breeder, there’s a chance that your new puppy has already been introduced to a crate in the breeder’s home. dog sitters, …

crate toys for bored dogs

in particular, here are the top benefits of leaving a few toys in your pup’s crate: but not all toys qualify as great crate toys for bored dogs nor are all toys safe to be left in a dog crate. you can even freeze it up to give your dog a cool and refreshing toy to play with when it is hot. the nina ottosson is designed to kill boredom while teaching your dog a few mental tricks as well. …

crate training

while there are other methods of house training your puppy, this is a very instinctual transition, requiring mainly that you take your puppy out of their crate at reasonable intervals to use the restroom. by placing your pup in a crate while you’re away, or when you’re at home and can’t be as attentive as you might need to be, you limit their access to your home and circumvent opportunities for your dog to chew your furniture or have an …