training buttons for dogs

every time i see a dog with a whole board full of buttons and hear the conversations that the people are working to have with them, i think of that book. my dog is currently in the throes of canine cognitive dysfunction, which makes it impossible for him to settle and sleep in my apartment. jennie and john figured out a mix of dog park play, daycare, food puzzles, relaxation conditioning, and enforced rest that made it possible to live …

working dog training

the use of working dogs for hunting, shepherding, and for some roles in war date back to at least classical greek times (4, 5). for example, hearing dogs, matched with a handler who is deaf or hard of hearing, alert their handler to key sounds in the environment. it is then common for the dogs to return to a dedicated campus between 14 and 20 months, where they are housed in kennels as they progress through professional training. the influence …

dog button training

bunny, an internet-famous sheepadoodle, has brought attention to a new area of study within animal cognition: the use of assistive technology for language acquisition. ms. hunger decided that a button that said the word “outside” would be the best place to start when it came to walking and house training. “there was one instance where a car did a u-turn in traffic and stopped in the middle of the road and rolled down their window to say hello,” ms. devine …

dog training buttons

the dog stands next to a row of buttons that have pre-recorded words, pushes one of the buttons with their paw, and words like  “more” and “now” are heard. if you want to give spot another way to communicate his needs with you, you can certainly teach your dog to “talk” using word buttons. so, if a dog learns to press word buttons and then presses “outside, toy” we don’t know if that’s actually a request, an observation, or if …

dog bite training

this number may seem frightening, but there are a number of things you can do to ensure that your dog doesn’t contribute to this dog bite statistic. if you’ve just brought home a puppy, the best thing you can do is introduce it to as many new places, people, and situations as possible. there are a number of good reasons to spay or neuter your dog, and potentially preventing a dog bite is at the top of that list. don’t …