bil jac puppy food

the first year of life is critical as your puppy’s growth takes place in a short period of time. we recommend feeding bil-jac® puppy select formula on a scheduled and controlled basis. after weaning and up to 6 months of age, feed puppies three times daily. after 6 months until your puppy reaches maturity, feed twice daily.

the proper amount to feed will vary according to age, environment and activity of your puppy. for your …

best pet food

our dry matter label analysis reveals the product contains 27% protein, 13% fat and 52% estimated carbs… creating a fat-to-protein ratio of about 50%. our dry matter label analysis reveals the product contains 40% protein, 17% fat and 36% estimated carbs… yielding a fat-to-protein ratio of about 42%. our dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 27% protein, 16% fat and 50% estimated carbs… creating a fat-to-protein ratio of about 58%. our dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe …

best tasting dog food

so what is the best tasting dog food for picky eaters? our pick for the best overall best tasting dog food for picky eaters is the farmer’s dog fresh dog food. not only is this a food guaranteed to tempt even the pickiest eaters, but it is also an all-natural and well-balanced diet. the rachael ray dog food is easy to digest, and a great source of protein. made without any grains, this is a formula that is great for …