best raw dog food

a raw dog food diet is designed to mimic a dog’s natural ancestral menu. no one can argue the dry baked pellets we call dog food aren’t convenient. yet the nutrient profile of a dry kibble is nowhere near the nutrient content of a dog’s ancestral diet. there have been many reports of improved health when chronically ill pets were switched from a commercial product to a raw dog food.

yet the risk of food-borne …

best raw dog food delivery

i was told by a lot of people that switching cold turkey is easy and better for my dogs. i was able to connect with local raw feeders, discover our local raw food co-op, and get my boyfriend on board with the plan. i learned that raised dog dishes worked better for my dogs and grinding their food was easier for them to eat than whole raw (at the time). i usually order the lamb and the bison tripe for …

best diet dog food

so, it isn’t always possible to figure out the exact number of calories your dog is consuming or burning. for example, hypothyroidism – a condition in which a dog’s thyroid gland fails to produce the proper amount of hormones – is often associated with weight gain. four different probiotics are included in the recipe to help promote proper intestinal function, and it is fortified with vitamins and minerals to ensure your dog gets the nutrition she needs. a wealth of …

best fresh dog food

the fresh dog food movement has picked up steam in recent years, and there is now a healthy crop of options on the market. many fresh dog food companies rail against the dangers of meat meals and preservatives, but there’s always more to the story. there are a ton of fresh dog food options currently on the market, which can make owners feel overwhelmed. in many ways, unkibble is quite similar to the other fresh dog foods discussed here.

best raw cat food

freeze-drying ensures that this food is safe for both you and your cat while delivering the rich nutrition of fresh meat. compared to other types of cat food, raw cat food is notorious for missing the mark in this area. stella and chewy’s is one of the leading companies in the raw pet food space. northwest naturals has made and sold raw food for dogs and cats since 1990. though not one of the best-known raw cat food manufacturers, this …