best holistic dog food

all together, the wet dog food from castor & pollux is gmo-free and contains 95% usda-certified organic ingredients. organix organic wet dog food is also available in “tiny feasts” trays more appropriate for the appetites of small breed dogs, in addition to a dry food version. also included in the formula are prebiotics—the kind of food that feeds the good bacteria in your pet’s gut—for digestion. everything in the food is 100 percent human-grade.

so …

best organic dog food

organic food is all the rage these days because it’s reputed to be safer and healthier to eat. castor & pollux organix grain-free organic dry dog food is our pick for the best organic dog food overall. castor & pollux organic puppy dry dog food is our pick for the best organic dog food for puppies. it contains antioxidants and omega fats, and there are lots of vitamins and minerals among the ingredients. we also found the consistency very dry …

best raw dog food

a raw dog food diet is designed to mimic a dog’s natural ancestral menu. no one can argue the dry baked pellets we call dog food aren’t convenient. yet the nutrient profile of a dry kibble is nowhere near the nutrient content of a dog’s ancestral diet. there have been many reports of improved health when chronically ill pets were switched from a commercial product to a raw dog food.

yet the risk of food-borne …

best affordable dog food

our dry matter label analysis reveals the recipe contains 26% protein, 16% fat and 51% estimated carbs… which yields a fat-to-protein ratio of about 61%. our dry matter label study reveals the recipe contains 28% protein, 17% fat and 48% estimated carbs… creating a fat-to-protein ratio of about 60%. our dry matter label study reveals the recipe contains 33% protein, 22% fat and 36% estimated carbs… which results in a fat-to-protein ratio of about 67%. our dry matter label report …

best tasting dog food

so what is the best tasting dog food for picky eaters? our pick for the best overall best tasting dog food for picky eaters is the farmer’s dog fresh dog food. not only is this a food guaranteed to tempt even the pickiest eaters, but it is also an all-natural and well-balanced diet. the rachael ray dog food is easy to digest, and a great source of protein. made without any grains, this is a formula that is great for …