beef pro dog food

fortified with guaranteed live probiotics for digestive and immune health. and optimized protein-to-fat ratio to maintain an ideal body condition. we recommend that you keep your dog in ideal body condition and not allow your dog to become overweight. the exact amount of food your dog requires will need to be adjusted according to age, activity and environment. each day, simply feed a little less of the previous food and a little more pro plan until you’re feeding pro plan …

special dog food

we are always on the hunt for new and better food to give amber and her siblings. after trying raw feeding (which also didn’t really work for amber), our vet introduced monge special dog to us. our dogs, including amber, are not very picky with food but gets sawa after a few months. we did a little bit of research and found out that monge is actually the leading pet food manufacturer in italy – that’s added confidence that we’re …