bagel dog breed

bagle hounds are a mix between a basset hound and a beagle. as beagles are high energy and basset hounds are low energy, bagle hounds tend to have fairly average amounts of energy. bagle hounds are a hybrid of two hound dogs, the basset hound and the beagle. the french word bas is said to be the original descriptor for the basset hound, which means “low”. of slighter yet taller than the basset hound, these two hound dogs mix together …

hardest dogs to train

when you and your family feel the time is right to get a dog, it can be hard to know where to start. set reasonable expectations and learn how to properly train your dog and you should end up with a great pet no matter what. and while they are among the most aggressively defended breeds in the rescue world, they do tend to be more difficult to train. training is difficult for this breed because if they are stubborn, …

hardest dogs to potty train

potty training will never be the easiest process to go through—even dogs that take easier to housebreaking will still need to be trained with care. according to the akc, “training and housebreaking these independent souls can be a steep challenge for novice owners.” according to dogtime, crate training is helpful for housetraining, which “can be one difficult area of training for the chinese crested (as a group, toy breeds can be tough to housetrain)—but it will all click into place …

shed hunting dogs

or maybe do a quick recon on google, searching to see what the story is on available litters of hard-driving shed retrievers. sure, theoretically any dog can pick up an antler and bring it back to you, but that’s not how it works in the real world.” miller’s words might sting a little, but they are also true. the goal, as dog trainer and owner of dog bone hunter jeremy moore puts it, is to get a dog to associate …