amtrak emotional support animal

but while a pet monkey might qualify as an esa in the apartment you rent, that doesn’t mean your helpful primate gets to come along to a restaurant, on a flight, or your amtrak train trip. an esa does not represent the same thing as a service animal. if you need to bring your pet with you on a trip to which you’re traveling by air or rail, you will need to obtain an esa from your doctor or healthcare …

amtrak large dogs

you just saw the darjeeling limited and before sunrise and have been dreaming about taking the train for your vacation rather than a plane. it seems so romantic—looking wistfully out the window as the coast passes you by, getting caught up on all that reading you have been meaning to do but never have the time for. so before heading out on your romantic train adventure with your dog in tow, you should check into a few things. though service …