raw dog food online

our rule of thumb for raw dog food is 3% of their body weight daily. my dogs love your food. finally a raw dog food that is 100% pure. they truly care about dogs’ health and their product speaks for itself. this food is the best medicine!!! i tried rice water but it didn’t work. but after i give her raw wild, her stool is back to normal. i truly believe that all the dogs should eat raw meat (with bone) for their ultimate healthiness. my dog loves this food and it’s a pleasure giving her something i know she likes and is good for her.

my dog is 11 years old this year, she and i have traveled from seattle to south africa, her health and happiness mean the world to me, especially as she gets older. my sincere thanks forthe product you provide. i have noticed a significant improvement in my precious pup’s energy and overall health! it arrived fresh as if it had been ground just a short while ago. first we noticed is their increased level of energy and their “poop” has become minimal. this is the best one! we all want to feed our best friend the best dog food out there, but for some of us, the poop is the deciding factor. raw wild dog food dogs typically expel a little handful of small, firm pellets twice a day. raw wild’s purpose is to deliver the most extraordinary pet food for those who seek a healthier path. sign up for our newsletter and be the first to get promotions, free shipping, and our raw pet food health newsletter.

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