kinetic dog food

kinetic offers a full line of premium dry dog foods specially formulated to meet the elevated needs of your active, working and hunting dogs. we wanted to make the best line of working and hunting dog foods and supplements. our goal is to give every active, working or hunting dog a higher energy level, better performance and better overall health through superior nutrition.

we’ve spent years developing the kinetic formulas and consulted with the best in the working and hunting dog worlds including breeders, kennels, trainers and nutritionists. kinetic is formulated with the sole purpose of providing the best concentrated nutrition to help dogs hold up under the stress and pounding of working, training, hunting and competition. your dog also shouldn’t have to process that much food to stay in the game. we believe kinetic is the finest working and hunting dog food on the market and we’re pretty sure you’ll agree.

kinetic performance power 30k formula dry dog food is specially formulated to provide a source of sustainable energy for dogs with frequent levels of high activity. kinetic is called a performance dog food because it’s very nutrient dense and was formulated to specifically address the higher stress needs of hard working and extremely active dogs. while some by-products can be poor quality, our chicken by-product meal is an excellent source of protein for dogs and a natural source of glucosamine. for other foods, we recommend mixing progressively smaller quantities of the current food with the larger quantities of kinetic over a period of 10 days until the dog is completely on kinetic. tried to change her food to organic but i seen the difference in her coat and energy.

will continue buying this food and recommending it to all! and dog food companies will use tricks to convince you that there’s is the best and most nutritious for your partner. because this food is so nutritionally dense and highly digestible you need to really pay attention to the feeding requirements labeled on the back. they love this food and i love it too. this seems to be the only food that keeps weight on my dog constantly.

nutrient dense performance dog food. designed for highly active dogs. no corn, wheat or soy. the kinetic power 30k formula is a nutrient dense performance dog food formula intended for dogs with frequent high activity levels that include periods of intense activity in 1-2 hour increments. this formula is also suitable for adult dogs that tend to have difficulty maintaining weight under normal conditions and small or medium breed puppies on fixed feeding programs.u2026xa0more rformance dog food formula intended for dogs with frequent high activity levels that include periods of intense activity in 1-2 hour increments. this formula is also suitable for adult dogs that tend to have difficulty maintaining weight under normal conditions and small or medium breed puppies on fixed feeding programs. u2026xa0more more kinetic performance dog food is specifically formulated to provide concentrated nutrition for performance in working and hunting dogs. a 30% protein, 20% fat kibble that’s specifically formulated for highly active adult dogs that exercise intensely in 1-2 hour increments. kinetic performance is a grain-inclusive dry dog food using a notable amount of named meat and by-product meals as its main source of animal protein, thus, inukshuk dog food, inukshuk dog food, kinetic 26k dog food, victor dog food, kinetic performance puppy 28k formula dry dog food.

it’s a 26% protein, 16% fat kibble that’s specifically formulated for highly active adult dogs that exercise intensely in 1-2 hour increments. it’s fortified… concentrated energy – this 28% protein, 15% fat kibble is specifically formulated for highly active medium and large breed puppies. it’s fortified with vitamins all 3 of my dogs eat kinetic dog food and they all love it. their coats are beautiful, energy is high, & they digest it easily. i highly recommend this dog food, kinetic foods, kinetic performance power 30k formula dry dog food, 35 lb bag.

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