hamster care

four paws, two bright eyes, and a set of twitchy whiskers. your little dude (or dudette) needs a safe home in which to explore and feel comfortable. explore colors, tubes, accessories, and add-ons to create a unique habitat with plenty of places to tunnel, hide and burrow. as is the case with many small animals, placement is essential to a happy pet. put your hamster’s home near the sounds of your family, but not right in the thick of things. when you bring your new hamster home, everything is new to them. give them the headspace to get to know their new habitat for a few days – without the distractions of your home – by placing a light cloth over their space. that said, wait a while to handle your hamster or pick them up. after a few days of giving them food and water, they’ll start to trust you! in addition to their normal, everyday food, try giving them small amounts of carrots, squash, broccoli, cucumbers, apples, pears, or berries.

ask your vet about the best foods to feed your new friend. there’s a happy medium between keeping your hamster’s home clean and comfy and creating undue stress by cleaning it too much. a great way to give your hamster exercise and get some needed bonding time is to provide ample playtime outside their habitat each week. remember to always supervise your hamster when he or she is out of their habitat. make sure to always approach your pet slowly and talk to them in a conversational manner. they’ll learn to recognize your scent and voice and see you as a source of comfort. because these pets are naturally nocturnal, be sensitive to the time of day you are trying to handle your hamster. ready to start pet parenting your hammie like a pro? explore our small pet supplies for bedding, habitats, treats, chews, and much more. explore our always-growing collection of small animal advice written by our pet experts.

hamsters are typically nocturnal animals that like to burrow and hoard food. hamsters, with few exceptions, should always be housed alone, as they can be fiercely territorial and cause a great deal of damage to each other through fighting. hamsters love toys and utilize them to meet a variety of needs, from chewing, climbing, exploring, burrowing, and hiding. hamsters can be supplemented with additional fruits and vegetables, but these foods should not be the mainstay of their diet. these are scent glands and not a lesion or dermatitis.

some diseases of hamsters are zoonotic, meaning they can spread to humans. constant exposure to unsanitary conditions is unpleasant for hamsters and can result in infections of the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract. it is important to remove sand from the cage when hamsters are finished bathing to not be a constant respiratory irritant. hamsters may also bite if roughly handled, startled, or are feeling ill. to hold, owners can use a two-handed technique, involving cupping the hamster gently. this daily interaction should start in quick, frequent episodes and gradually work to longer stretches of time, if a hamster is agreeable.

cages should be cleaned weekly or as needed. constant exposure to unsanitary conditions is unpleasant for hamsters and can result in infections line your hamster’s cage with at least 2 inches of bedding to provide a soft home for your pet, and absorb odors and mess. you should scoop out hamster care hamsters stay clean and rarely need baths but can be spot cleaned with a damp washcloth or unscented baby wipes, if needed. consult with a, .

remove soiled bedding, droppings, and stale food daily. thoroughly clean the cage with warm, soapy water once a week. hamsters love exercise! exercise wheels are a must, and cardboard tubes, pvc pipes, and plastic igloos provide them with opportunities to run, climb, hide, and tunnel. taking care of a hamster may require some extra time and patience, but overall, it’s pretty simple. give them proper nutrition and keep them hydrated, make sure they have a way to exercise and entertain themselves and give them a clean, cozy place to call home. like any animal, and most humans too, a hamster needs time to settle into their new environment. you should put your new hamster in their cage with enough food you can have a large enough enclosure but should also provide activities for them to engage in or they may get bored. since hamsters are naturally clean animals, .

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