essence dog food

this premium, dry dog food is specially created with a limited ingredient recipe, free of potatoes, legumes, fish and poultry. essence is the first kibble that my dog is interested in trying. my dogs seem to be satisfied with a smaller amount of food with this brand. was mixing with old food and she pick all the essence out leaving old behind.

i soak the kibble and top his food with meat, but he willingly eats all of this. (he used to pick out the meat and leave kibble when i’ve tried feeding it in the past.) it’s the feeding of food containing peas, day in and day out, that is likely what may develop into a health problem. this is one of the best fruits/vegetables you can feed your dog, very helpful with digestion, and packed with so much nutrition. so, with the limited ingredients of essence lir, and those ingredients being, in my opinion, superior to not only the majority of other grain-free kibble but most kibble overall, i couldn’t recommend it more.

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this item: essence ranch & meadow dog food 4lb. $20.99 primal freeze dried dog food nuggets, beef formula (5.5 & 14 oz) – crafted in the usa, grain free raw, .

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