dr harvey’s dog food

this food has been nothing short of a miracle for my dog and all the dogs of friends i have recommended it to. this seems like a healthier option as i mix in some fish oil, lean protein and the kidney health supplement instead of dry food with rice and some fresh protein. i need to note that, the bag had a lower razor split in it and product which is fine, kept leaking out which i didn’t discover for about a week, after i lifted the bag. did not use it until she was 13. i had made her homemade dog food for a couple years – she loved it. she seemed to like one for a day, then wouldn’t eat it the next.

but i had read all the positive reviews and new i had nothing left to try for her. i highly recommend this food – it truly is a miracle. my dog loves it and has never tired of it. the dog food is great and my dog is crazy for it. she’s been on this food for more than 10 years, and, at almost 13 years old, she still looks and acts like a puppy, and her annual bloodwork is great!

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