cat grooming

if your cat fights the grooming process, and there is some potential that injury could occur to your cat or yourself, please make an appointment with a professional groomer or a veterinarian to have your cat groomed. one or two brushings per week will help kitty to keep her healthy glow—and you’ll find that regular sessions are especially beneficial when your cat ages and is no longer able to groom so meticulously on her own. a wide range of causes—from external parasites and allergies to seasonal changes and stress, or a combination of these—may be affecting your cat’s skin and should be investigated. a variety of medical, dietary and stress-related issues can cause your cat to lose more hair than is normal.

if your cat sheds a lot and your veterinarian has determined that there is no underlying medical cause, there are a few things you can do to minimize his hair loss: if your cat’s shedding is normal, the worst you may end up with is a hairy wardrobe and home—your cat, however, may suffer from hairballs if she isn’t groomed regularly. if you see any discharge, redness or swelling, your cat’s ears should be checked by a veterinarian. if you find that your cat’s ears are caked with wax or you detect an odor, please bring her in for a veterinary exam. here are few simple tips to keep your kitty’s eyes bright and healthy. the best way to prevent eye conditions is to make sure your cat gets all her vaccinations and has thorough check-ups.

there’s nothing like a little pampering to make your pet feel amazing and look like the star they are! the process of grooming your cat should be fun for you and for them. you should also be in a good mood — your cat will notice if you’re grumpy or stressed during the grooming session, and this can stress them out in turn. your cat may become impatient with all the attention the first few times you groom them. once your cat is used to the routine, you can gradually lengthen the amount of time you spend keeping them clean. you don’t need to push your cat to accept grooming, either.

if your cat seems upset or stressed, take a break and try again later. never hesitate to praise your cat or give them treats if they behave well during grooming. if your cat needs a bath, you’ll know. in these cases, you’ll need to get a brand of shampoo made for cats and give your cat a real bath. if you only pay attention to your cat’s feet when it’s time to trim their nails, then your cat may be upset at the unusual feeling. to make everything easier, play with your cat’s feet when you’re not about to trim their nails. it doesn’t hurt to praise your kitty and give them lots of treats while playing with their toes, either.

schedule baths when your cat is at her most mellow. give your cat a good brushing to remove any loose hair and mats. gently place some cotton in her ears to your local dog groomer is as close as your neighborhood petsmart! hands-on experience bathing, trimming & styling dogs and cats of all breeds & sizes. cats need regular brushing to keep their coats looking tidy, especially if they have long fur. brushing also helps remove dirt and tangles while, .

brush regularly. brush short-haired cats weekly, long-haired cats, 2-3 times per week to avoid matting and the development of hairballs. if your angry cat wants to demolish his groomer loki isn’t every cat has her own grooming ritual. some lick the chin, and whiskers first, followed by each shoulder and foreleg. she’ll then wash both, .

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