bella and duke dog food

*the daily feed is an average for a dog of that size. the cost is based on a delivery of 12kg. prices per kilo vary depending on chosen delivery size: the bigger the delivery the cheaper the kilo price. we only include an ingredient to our dog food and cat food if it improves the nutritional value of your pet’s meal. our food is free from grains, fillers and anything artificial.  we pride ourselves on carefully sourcing the best ingredients. everything we include in our meals is department for environment, food and rural affairs (defra) approved. designed by nutritionists and approved by veterinarians, we aim to make the healthiest raw pet food, backed by cutting edge science. we keep our food frozen, even when we blend it in our factory, to lock in the vitamins and nutrients your pet needs to thrive. © copyright 2022 bella and duke ltd. registered in scotland. company number: sc547789registered address: citypoint, 3rd floor, 65 haymarket terrace, edinburgh, scotland, eh12 5hd

every ingredient is easily digestible and offers a specific benefit to your dog. simply high quality meat and calcium-rich bone, making up a minimum of 80%, along with seasonal veg & berries and healthy fats. a snapshot of the many benefits our customers notice include smaller, firmer, less smelly poo, less wind, beautiful, glossy coat and fur quality, less itchy skin and balanced behaviour/energy levels. from there, we do the hard work for you and deliver your dog’s food to your door exactly when you need it. “after years of veterinary practice and thousands of patients i believe a high quality complete balanced raw diet is the best for your pet” dr wendy mcgrandles bvms vetmfhom mrcvs our pure meat & bone range is the foundation of a healthy canine diet. perfect for those seasoned raw feeders who enjoy a bit of diy. our complete premium range provides high quality, complete meals for your dog without the fuss of making it yourself.

based on our pure meat & bone template with added seasonal vegetables and berries for their natural antioxidant benefits, kelp and healthy omega 3 rich fats in the form of a unique blend of virgin olive oil and herring. the puppy range contains a little more protein to support your pup as they grow. packed full of superfoods, anti-inflammatories and anti-oxidants, all from natural sources, this range is perfect for senior dogs or those dogs who need an extra nutritional boost. our rawdry dog food is simply healthy raw ingredients dried and ready to eat! this food is deliberately not a complete meal. rather than claim our rawdry is complete, and expose your dog to damaged fats, we have omitted them all together so you can add them in directly to ensure freshness. whether you have questions about how to raw feed, want to learn more about diet and behaviour or simply want to share pictures of how adorable your four-legged family member, our experts and community are here for you. healthy life media ltd is a company which specialises in publishing helpful and informative healthy guides & websites.

bella & duke are the leading pet food subscription company in the uk, creating meal plans specific to your pet’s needs. bella & duke. pet supplies. natural raw pet food. free delivery. use code insta50 & try today with exclusive 50% discount share you #letsdeclareraw. every range of bella & duke natural raw dog food is 100% nutritious and delicious, designed by nutritionists and approved by vets. our food is designed to help, bella and duke reviews, bella and duke reviews, bella and duke login, raw dog food subscription, bella dog food.

we created bella & duke dog food for one reason. to designed by nutritionists and approved by vets, we deliver healthy raw pet food straight to your door, when you need it. backed by cutting edge science, we only bella & duke are one of the leading raw dog food companies in the uk that provide, raw dog food uk, nutriment dog food, natural instinct dog food, raw cat food uk.

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