aafco approved dog food

most state feed laws and regulations reference to the aafco official publication as part of the nutritional adequacy labeling for pet foods. the consumer should refer to the nutritional adequacy statement located on the pet food label to see if a product conforms to one of the aafco dog or cat food nutrient profiles or to an aafco dog or cat food feeding protocol. meat and meat byproducts not directly suitable for animal food that are designated as 4-d (dead, dying, diseased or disabled). a complete and balanced pet food formulation accounts for this variation to meet all of the nutritional requirements of a cat or dog for its particular life stage.

the ingredients a person may select for formulating a cat or dog food will have certain amounts of certain nutrients, but the preparer should be careful to include ingredients that provide all of the required nutrients and in in the correct ratios that the animal requires for its particular stage of life. when salmonella does contaminate a retail pet food product, the bacteria are usually introduced after the product is manufactured and cooled. to learn about the requirements for a pet food product to be considered “human edible,” click here. major pet food ingredients, such as animal products and grains, most likely were sourced from the united states or canada. ingredient cost is a component of a manufacturer’s consideration, and $10-per-pound ingredients are less likely to be used in $1-per-pound pet food.

the association of american feed control officials – better known as aafco – is an important association of local, state, and federal officials. each individual state has its own feed laws, regulations, and policies and, while most states base them on aafco’s model bill and model regulations, it is the local, state, and federal authorities that actually regulate pet food. this is not new – i’ve seen many other pet foods make this claim and have even heard veterinarians recommend buying a pet food that is “aafco-certified.” hopefully, after reading this post, petfoodology readers will know that there is no such thing!

pet food labels currently provide very little useful information and i find that most pet owners are misreading the information that is on the label. she is on the cutting-edge of science, with hundreds of articles in prestigious journals, speaking engagements at national and international conferences, and awards for her scientific achievements. as you’re on this website right now, we can assume that you love pets and likely have a special dog or cat (or many) in your life. dr. heinze has done consulting for lafeber and wellpet, given sponsored talks for nestlé purina petcare and the pet food institute; and provided professional services to balance it.com and mark morris institute.

in short, aafco does not approve, certify or otherwise endorse pet foods. there is no aafco-approved pet food. most state feed laws and regulations reference to aafco does not regulate, test, approve or certify pet foods in any way. aafco establishes the nutritional standards for complete and balanced pet foods, and it aafco does not directly test, regulate, approve, or certify pet foods to make sure that they meet the standard requirements. instead, they, aafco approved dog food list 2022, list of dog foods that meet aafco standards 2021, aafco approved dog food 2021, aafco approved dog food 2021, list of dog foods that meet aafco standards 2020.

despite what you may read, there is no such thing as “aafco-approved” or “aafco-certified” pet foods! the association of american feed no, aafco does not have the authority to inspect, approve or regulate dog food (or any other pet food). although members represent state and federal regulatory aafco is an acronym for the association of american feed control officials. aafco is a non-profit organization that sets standards for both animal feeds and pet, list of dog foods that meet aafco standards 2019, aafco approved ingredient list, aafco approved cat food, is pedigree dog food aafco approved.

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